Our company

SIRVENT ANTON It has its origin in the sixties although it was not until 1999 when it acquired the current social denomination.

Descendants of farmers, our way of working is based on that of our predecessors. Tradition and modernity come together to allow us to be present in the current market.

Our land is in the known Valley of the Vinalopó. This geographical enclave of Alicante, recognized for its special climatic conditions, allows us to produce a product different from the rest, the Vinalopó table grape.

Our product, guaranteed by the following Quality certificates: HACCP, DO UVA DE MESA EMBOLSADA VINALOPÓ, GLOBAL GAP, INTEGRATED PRODUCTION, is identified with traceability codes and produced following the use of novel systems in biotechnology.





The fact of being producers and distributors of our grape, together with the effort to do a job well done, turns us into a company whose main characteristics are the dedication to our product and the seriousness with our clients.

Our packaging system meets the requirements established in Codex Stand 255-2007, following the guidelines set by FAO / OMS.

Due to our interest in opening up to new markets, our company has created the export division Blasco Sirvent, S.L.

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