

As grape growers, our company works with a wide range of varieties, with or without seed, which allows us to provide our customers for a large part of the year.

Characteristic common to all our varieties is the respect of the cultivation times and of the manual processing in the packaging, guaranteeing to our clients a table grape with the optimum point of maturation and processed of traditional form.

Each year our production volume is estimated at one million kilos of table grapes, divided into the following varieties: Victoria, Ideal, Red Globe, Doña María, Regal and Aledo.

We are in the process of increasing our supply of seedless grapes to meet current market demands. We are a company in continuous evolution, so our intention is to be able to offer a wide range of table grape varieties.


Early variety whose harvest usually takes place at the end of July.
It is characterized by a large and fleshy grain, yellowish green color, not very sweet and of consistent texture.


Variety known traditionally as Muscat or Italian. Its collection period is broad, ranging from the end of August to the beginning of November. Your collection starts with Ideal disbursed and ends with Ideal bagged.
It is characterized by a grain of average size, yellow color, whose intensity varies depending on whether or not it has been bagged, sweet and of fine texture.


Variety with a wide collection period due to its resistant characteristics, from mid-August to the end of November.
It is characterized by a large and fleshy grain, intense red color, sweet and fine texture.


Variety known traditionally as Rossetti. Its collection period covers from the beginning of September to the middle of November.
It is characterized by an elongated grain of large size, soft yellow color, very sweet and very fine texture.


Variety without seed. Its collection period covers from mid-September to mid-November.
It is characterized by a grain of medium size, yellow color, very sweet and of consistent texture.


Variety known to be the one consumed on New Year's Eve. Late collection, thanks to its special bagging characteristics and its good disposition for conservation. Its collection covers from the beginning of November until the end of December.
It is characterized by a grain of medium size, soft yellow color, not very sweet and of fine texture.

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